[MANGA][CBZ] The Holy Grail of Eris

You can now Download The Holy Grail of Eris manga in .cbz format.

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The Grail family has a single guiding principle in their lives—Thou Shalt Be Sincere. However, sincerity alone can only get a lady so far in the twisted world of high society…as meek Constance Grail soon learns after she is framed for petty theft and loses her fiancé and reputation in a matter of minutes. But one gaze on her isn’t quite as chilling as the others, though the woman’s uncanny resemblance to Scarlett Castiel must be a coincidence. After all, Scarlett isn’t just extremely wicked…she’s also very much dead.


  1. VOLUME 01
  2. VOLUME 02
  3. VOLUME 03
  4. VOLUME 04
  5. VOLUME 05
  6. VOLUME 06
  7. VOLUME 07


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